WIKID album cover artwork


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Legend, he’s playing scrib Prometheus here in a couple days. Trying to save money or I’d go. Also it’s pretty occult.


da uzual wtf image, but at least dis hazn’t got a trademark DG subtitle


Gina Alice clearly got sum dirt on Lang Lang, he’d probably prefer Sara Davis!

(Playing would be better too)

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I would like to see a collab between doc’s wife and lang lang’s wife.

Album title: Nepotisms


With Abidal Gayergiev making a condfucking debut of course



Ignaz Friedman piano roll for your SEXY NIGHT (wtf)

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DG must be livid they can’t use dis album title (and LGBTQIA++ person) on their next TRIF collab album.

Though pozz dis title best rezerved fo da CORTOT complete :chop: ?


Wut da fuq? Dis mof(ette) appears to be wearing a plazdick lawn.

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I thought Poon Schoe was the primo Grammy candidate but now that I see the above Gay Green Frog…. I’m not so sure anymore

Poon harzhly not a shoe-in ic

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best nostrils in da biz after da :ho:

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Da poontreon-funded coke habit sumwut legendary tbh

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my pickup line will be “are you part-jew”?

“would you like to be?”

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“have you got any Joo in you?”

“would you like sum?”

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idk whether to name our daughter Poony II or Hui

Is dat Phil Lynott?

Apparently he had a truly MAZZIFF :dong: according to a mofette I once knew.

dat iz da lynott

famouz for asking Irish mofettes if they wanted a little more Irish in them :dong:

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